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How to add your business's achievements to your WorkBase

Nikhita avatar
Written by Nikhita
Updated over 9 months ago

There are 4 different elements you can add to the Achievements block on your WorkBase:

  • Connect review websites

  • Upload memberships

  • Upload licenses

  • Upload certificates and awards

Navigate to the "Achievements" tab and click "Add" or click the + icon next to an achievement example, as shown in the image below.

Review websites

Select a review site in the dropdown from which you would like to display your business's rating.

Add a URL link within the "Link to listing" box and then click "Save".

How to retrieve the correct URL link:

  1. Google your business name and the review site that you have chosen from the dropdown. For example, "J's Cupcake Company google" or "J's Cupcake Company Dineplan"

  2. Copy the URL result after you have searched the above phrase

  3. Paste the URL in the "Link to listing" box

Alternatively, If you go into one of the review sites and search for your business then that URL can also be used in the "Link to listing" box.

πŸ’‘ Pro tip

All review websites are verified and a "Verified" tag will be added to your review website within the the achievements block. This can add to the credibility of your business.

Memberships, licenses and certificates

All 3 of these achievements can be quickly and easily added to your WorkBase. Click on "Add" and select your achievement. Fill in any information required and click "Save". That's it!

Adding a membership to your WorkBase allows you to add a link to the Institution's website or a link to your membership document. Whereas, adding a certificate or license prompts you to upload a document file of that certificate or license to your WorkBase. Viewers will be able to download these files.

πŸ’‘ Pro tip

After saving an achievement, click "Preview" at the top right of your screen to see how your newly added achievement is displayed on your WorkBase. Remember to click "Publish WorkBase" to set your changes live!

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